
Whether you have a specific fitness goal to reach, want to have fun working out with friends, 或者只是想发泄一下, 我们是来帮忙的! Click on a tab below for more information about the service or program that interests you. 请与也许她 Lancaster联系 也许她.lancaster@yann-mathieux.com with questions regarding fitness programs.

Who can Participate in group fitness classes?

任何在读的HSU学生, 校友, 教员或职员, or spouse can participate in group fitness classes. Each class is led by a certified group fitness instructor.

团体健身对于那些想把团体健身作为主要体育活动来源的参与者来说是一个很好的选择. 这种方便和负担得起的选择也允许参与者补充他们的主要健身活动. 欢迎所有水平的经验, and our instructors can modify exercises based on your specific needs!


A group fitness pass (additional membership) is required to attend all classes. You can purchase this pass at the front desk of the Fletcher 健身 Center.

  • 教职员工和校友: $35无限次课程(一学期)
  • 学生: $20 for unlimited classes (1 semester)
  • dropin类: 每班$3


  • All participants must have an HSU UREC membership (教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, and Spouse) to participate in a group exercise class.
  • Members must always check-in at the front desk of the fitness center before attending the class. When members check-in at the front desk, they will receive a colored card. This card must be given to the instructor when entering the class.
  • Members will be asked to fill out a PAR-Q prior to attending their first class.
  • 健身 classes are available on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Once the class reaches maximum capacity, members will not be allowed to attend.
  • If you are more than 5 minutes late to any fitness class, it is up to the instructor to allow members to participate. It is highly encouraged that you show up 10 minutes before class starts.
  • All group exercise classes are subject to cancellation for University Holidays, 紧急情况, 还有天气限制. An email will be sent to all group exercise participants on cancellations.


本课程旨在为所有女性创造一个安全的空间来学习正确的举重技术和姿势. We want to encourage women of all ages to get into the gym and feel confident.



这种基于心率的课程结合了带有生物传感器的胸带来跟踪你的心率和运动量. 这种实时培训监控使课程在建立协作环境的同时具有竞争力和吸引力.

Why should I work with a personal trainer?

  • To create a safe, effective, personalized exercise program for me.
  • To help me correct bad habits that may be inhibiting my success.
  • To help me build strength, improve definition, and perfect movement patterns.
  • To help me develop an overall healthier lifestyle.
  • 让我保持动力和学识.

What are my options for personal training?

个别训练课程: 传统的私人训练方法——只有你和你的私人教练进行一对一的训练. This option guarantees that you will have your trainer’s undivided attention, and your personal fitness program will be designed with your specific goals and needs in mind.

小组/伙伴训练课程: 找一个朋友和我们的私人教练一起开始实现你的健康和健身目标. 为了达到最大的效果, we recommend you have partners that have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. Participants must register and exercise together. 价格是按人计算的.


  • All sessions are 1 hour in length unless otherwise specified.
  • Personal training sessions are non-refundable, 不可转让的, and expire 6 months from the date of purchase.
  • Guests are asked to cancel at least 24hrs in advance of the schedules training session. Failure to contact your trainer can result in forfeiture of a session.
  • 由于客户没有准时而延迟开始的会话将在计划开始时间后一小时结束.


个人60分钟 个人45分钟 Buddy 60分钟 组(3-4人)60分钟
1会议 $30.00 $22.50 $25.00 $20.00
3会议 $85.50 $64.00 $71.00 $57.00
5会议 $135.00 $101.25 $112.50 $90.00
十个交易日 $265.00 $198.75 $212.50 $170.00
15个交易日 $378.00 $283.50 $315.00 $252.00


  个人60分钟 个人45分钟 Buddy 60分钟 组(3-4人)60分钟
1会议 $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00
3会议 $114.00 $85.50 $85.50 $71.00
5会议 $180.00 $135.00 $135.00 $112.00
十个交易日 $340.00 $265.00 $265.00 $212.50
15个交易日 $504.00 $378.00 $378.00 $315.00

Want all the benefits of personal training for a more affordable cost? Personalized programming is perfect for you!

直接与私人教练一起设计一个适合你的健身和健康目标的锻炼计划. 有了这个选项, 你不必担心你的教练是否有空,因为你将在你自己的时间里完成这个项目!

How much does personalized programming cost?

  • 两周:45美元
  • 4周:90美元
  • 8周:175美元
  • 12周:265美元
  • 16周:350美元


  • 每周和你的教练一起检查.
  • 每周锻炼5次.
  • Initial consultation to discuss goals and program ideas.


Small group training consists of one trainer working with a group of 3 to 8 clients. 将小组人数控制在8人以内,可以让私人教练与每个人建立联系,同时也能适当地关注每个参与者的安全, form, 和对齐. 小组训练被认为是一种更划算的方式,让人们体验到与健身专业人士一起工作的好处.

What are the benefits of small group training?

  1. 更多的个人关注. 在一个小组中锻炼,私人教练可以提供纠正和适当的修改和进步.
  2. 各种. The workouts change and evolve as the group progresses.
  3. 动机. Having someone exercising right beside you, 有着相同的目标, 经常鼓励你继续努力.
  4. 支持. 培训师和其他参与者都会帮助你克服面前的挑战. 你们都是一个队的!
  5. 有趣的! 是的,很有趣! The right exercise program done with friends can definitely be exciting and enjoyable.

All classes are subject to change based on the semester and the demand of the class. To register for a class, please see the front desk of the fitness center.

Please check back for an updated class offering and schedule.

健身 assessments are a great tool to help you make exercise a part of your daily life. By evaluating your fitness level and health risk, we can establish a personalized exercise program to help you achieve your fitness goals.



  • 静息心率/静息血压:静息心率和血压是你开始和进行健身计划时要测量的重要指标.
  • Body mass index (BMI): ratio of height and weight,
  • Waist to Hip Ratio: comparison of waist circumference to hip circumference.


  • 心血管耐力试验
  • 肌肉耐力测试
  • 灵活性

**Additional testing may be purchased in collaboration with the 人类行为实验室

Assessments are available for $15 and will take between 30-45 minutes. 您将与私人教练一起确定哪种评估适合您和您的健身目标. Please make sure to wear athletic-style clothing during assessments.

Raylee Bevill

Raylee is currently a Junior pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Biology Pre-Physical Therapy, HSU解剖科学. 毕业后, 她计划读研究生,获得物理治疗博士学位,然后开设自己的诊所. 这是Raylee作为认证ACE集团健身教练在弗莱彻健身中心教授健身课程的第二年. 作为一名前多项运动运动员 and somebody who has had to accommodate injuries, 她可以结合不同的教练风格和练习,以适应客户在她的课上的需要. 她喜欢与所有热情的人建立关系,并很高兴继续帮助他们进行身体健康和健身之旅.


佩顿正在攻读运动科学学士学位,然后计划攻读物理治疗博士学位. She is a certified ACE 集团的健身 Instructor, and this is her second-year teaching classes. She is beyond excited about this next semester! 她是HSU的啦啦队长和前竞技体操运动员,她利用她的训练为每个人提供有效和适应性的锻炼. 她喜欢了解所有参与者,同时激励和指导他们超越他们的期望和目标.

Madi Varnell

马迪正在攻读运动科学学士学位,希望成为一名适应性健身教练, serving those with physical impediments. 她是认证的ACE集团健身教练,也是弗莱彻健身中心的建筑主管. 另外, 马迪担任兰格堂的牧师,并积极参与南区浸信会教堂的大学事工. 今年, she will be leading strength classes to educate participants on how to properly lift weights. 她很高兴用她对健康和健身的强烈热情作为服务上帝和积极影响他人的平台!


杰西是一名大三学生,获得了运动科学学士学位,并计划在毕业后获得运动训练硕士学位. 她于2023年1月获得了ACE团体健身教练认证,并担任团体健身教练和主管. 她曾担任多个GroupX课程的教练,包括训练营和女性力量. She also works as a coach at Orange Theory in Abilene. 杰西喜欢通过集体健身激励她的班级参与者追求健康的生活方式,同时也接受挑战. She also serves the Vice President for The Jade Ministry, 这是一个非营利组织,致力于为自闭症和其他残疾患者赋权. 作为一名前多项运动运动员, Jess计划将她对健身的热情融入到她的参与者中,同时为任何经验水平的人提供一个有益和欢迎的环境.