
The 欧文教育学院 provides life-long learning opportunities through innovative and reflective scholarly experiences for undergraduate students. 通过深思熟虑的参与,发现新的想法或解决方案, students develop a passion for seeking personal and professional transformation through physical and mental health, 教育, 技术, 科学, 服务, 领导, 和社区.  Irvin supports excellence in scholarly pursuits that explore complex issues related to 教育 and 领导 among individuals, 家庭, 教育机构, 我们的全球社会.

我们的使命是培养变革型领导者, 教育工作者, 全球公民, 以及卓越的研究, 教育, 和科学. We are dedicated to building a community and providing excellence in 教育 enlightened by Christian faith and values.

The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) Office of Accountability has awarded Hardin-Simmons大学 Teacher Education Program a rating of “Accredited” under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation authorized by Texas Education Code 21.045 every year since the rating of teacher 准备 entities has been awarded. Educator 准备 programs are held accountable for the performance of their graduates on the state credentialing examinations required for certification. Programs must achieve a minimum pass rate on the tests by disaggregated subgroups (All, 男性, 女, 白色, 拉美裔, 非裔美国人, 其他)获得“合格”评级.”

The 欧文教育学院 faculty members are excited to share the following information from the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC).

As a result of continuous positive and productive instruction and effective assessments, 哈佛大学欧文教育学院, according to the 2021-2022 Accountability System for Educator Preparation Accreditation Statuses (ASEP) received an ACCREDITED Status.  除了获得认可外,HSU Irvin SOE还获得了两项表彰.

Educator 准备 programs (EPPS) are entrusted to prepare 教育工作者 for success in the classroom.  Chapter 229 establishes the performance standards and procedure for EPP accountability.

在问责制之外更好地区分环境保护绩效, SBEC指示工作人员提供识别高绩效epp的方案.  在2019年10月SBEC会议上, 董事会通过了环境保护计划表彰框架, 反映在19 TAC§229中.1(d).  This section allows the SBEC to recognize EPPs that go above and beyond in preparing candidates for educator 准备.  The section identifies the following categories to identify high-performing EPPs to receive accommodations for success:

  1. 严谨稳健的准备工作
  2. 准备德州需要的教育工作者
  3. 为教育者的长期成功做准备
  4. 创新教育工作者准备

在HSU的Irvin SOE表彰:

在#1类- 严谨稳健 准备

Performance Standard 95% for the state – 95% for HSU for First Test Pass Rate (85 number of passed exams) HSU was 之一 三所大学 在这个州接受表彰.

Performance Standard 95% for the state – 100% for HSU First Test Pass Rate in teacher shortage areas in English Language Arts & 阅读(20人通过考试)HSU为 八所大学之一 在这个州接受表彰.

2021-22 Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Commendations | Texas Education Agency




Our Human Services 政府 students learn the skills required to become specialists and leaders in adult 服务s, 学前和儿童保育管理, 老年医学, 项目管理, 或者社会服务. 如果你想为有需要的人或家庭服务, 本课程将教你如何在非营利组织服务, 学校, 保健中心, 以及其他州和社区组织.



Our Elementary Education program is dedicated to preparing future Early Childhood-6th grade classroom teachers who understand how to provide positive and productive learning environments as well as engaging and developmentally appropriate instruction that is respectful for diverse learners in public, 私人, 或者特许学校的教室.

HSU student lifting weight while professor uses pc device to measure performance


Explore the profiles for the faculty and staff from the 欧文教育学院.




探索站是为3、4、5岁的孩子设计的为期六周的体验. It is open to faculty and students and the surrounding community offered by the Hardin-Simmons大学’s 欧文教育学院 Early Childhood students in conjunction with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.




The Hardin-Simmons大学 休斯顿兰特里普扫盲和学习中心 is dedicated to providing support for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other learning differences through teacher 教育, 专业发展, 社区外展, 以及家长和学生的资源.


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